Beware of False Advertising

Posted by admin in montreal-escorts-blog
Blog 5

I recently read an article in a local newspaper about Montreal having high end escort agencies advertising  but having low end escorts showing up at the door.  One customer who is a frequent visitor to Montreal says he  ”cannot understand what has happened to this city”  Although there are many escort operators who open up these “fly by night” agencies, Montreal is still a very popular place to call escorts.  Men tend to visit Montreal just for the escorts; another customer said that he visited here for the escorts because “the prices are low, the girls are open minded and beautiful”.  The trick is though how do you find the right agency?  This seems to be a major problem right now.  How do you weed out the bad from the good? 

 Here are a few tips that might help you!

1.  Any agency can advertise as being #1, or Well established etc…  How can you know if this is true?  Take the time to do a check.  Go to and type in the website address of the particular agency you are interested in.  It will tell you the date that the domain name was purchased.  You will see that some of the nicest looking websites have been around less than a year or two.  RED FLAG!  Avoid!

2.  If you see and agency having “starting” rates – AVOID.  They will send you the same girl at $180 for $300.  Biggest scam yet!  Top ladies will not work somewhere where they are being classified like this.

3.  Cancellation fees:  If a escort agency has prepared you for a cancellation fee chances are its because they know you are going to cancel the escort when she gets to your door.  Meaning they are Bait & switch.  AVOID!!

4.  If the girl comes to your door and she is not what is promised, tell her to leave.  Don’t pay her a dime, they wasted your time.  Sometimes its even better to just peep out the hole in your door and if you are not happy don’t answer.  Don’t ever let any girl or operator intimidate you.  Call another agency, there are reputable operators who do care about their clients.

5.  The booker is not a sales person, he/she is supposed to take their time to accommodate your wants and needs.  If the booker is answering YES to all of your questions then that tends to be a bad sign.  If they rush you for your information, another bad sign.  Make sure the agency you call has good customer service and really helps you find the right escort for you.  Reputable agencies have the time to talk to their clients.

I hope these 5 tips helped!  Stay tuned into my blog for more updates about the Montreal Escorts news!  There is always something going on in the world of Escorts!

Bye for now

Michelle xoxo